Shout out to those of you who are already divorced


Here is a shout out to all of you parents who are already divorced. What tips or tricks or advice or suggestions would you offer a parent whose contemplating divorce or newly separated? And I know this is a loaded question because I’ve got a whole list of things that I would suggest to someone. But my point here is, that we all learned many lessons throughout our divorce… many things that we wish we would have done differently. Many things that we wish we would have done in a smart way, more cost efficient way. What would be your top pointer for someone who is thinking about going through divorce or someone who already started to go through it and is maybe feeling lost and confused? What words of wisdom would you share with them? Please post them below in the comments and the reason that I want to do this is because I want people- parents- who are in that stage of making the decision: “Should I stay or should I go?” or in the stage of making decisions on what to do with the kids and finances and this and that… I want them to learn from those of us who have experience. 


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