
Showing posts from January, 2022

Divorce Enemy number 1: Psychosclerosis

I know you probably haven’t heard this term before. But when I read this in Brian Tracy’s Book, Maximum Achievement, I was jumping for joy because this is exactly what I’m teaching in the Divorce by Rose app. This is exactly what I‘ve been saying all along in my coaching years and I want to read this to you because it makes so much sense that I want you to know about this.  

I Stopped Procrastinating and This is What Happened

  Making the decision to divorce is a very difficult and loaded decision. It requires a lot of thought and attention and focus on many different areas of your life. But one thing that I learned the very hard way is that procrastinating the decision also doesn’t help. And I was very good at procrastinating because I was really worried about many different areas. And a lot of my decisions were “Should I stay?” “Should I go?” “If I go…” “What about this?” and “What about that?” “How about this?” and “How about that?” And I was overwhelmed with fear, worries and anxieties- that my decision to divorce or not was more fear-based than anything else. I stopped thinking logically and I was full on emotions.

I was really wrong about my divorce

I will start off by sharing my story and the painful lessons I had learned after having spent $80,000 in legal fees and stressed for a decade over complete nonsense. I was really wrong about my divorce from the very beginning. Honestly, I was so naive, I thought “He doesn’t get along with me. We’re just not meant to be together. Let’s just each go our separate ways. He goes his way, I go my way. We each have our own individual lives.” I honestly naively thought that divorce was just about that. Little did I know from one ambush after another, after another, after another, after another, for years to come, that the divorce really wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going be.  

Dads Are Making Divorce Mistakes

  One of the biggest problems with divorce is that men and dads are trying to divorce alone. They’re trying to figure it out on their own. Divorce is not something that you can just YouTube about and just figure it out on your own. It’s not something where the answer will just miraculously come to you. You have to surround yourself with a good support system. And that’s one of the advantages that mothers have is that they are really resourceful, good at communicating and finding new friends and people to listen to them.

Divorced Dads: Do you have a message for us?

Men and dads have a very tough time post-divorce and the loneliness is a killer to many. The suicide rate is extremely high and the loneliness rate is also extremely high with men post-divorce. So, dads here is the ultimate platform that provides you a safe place to share, learn and explore more about yourself.  

True Divorce Story that cost $5,000!

  Let me tell you a story about Sally’s pink shoes and grilled cheese sandwiches that cost $5,000.  So, I left Sally’s pink shoes at the father’s house and the father refuses to give me back the shoes. So, I argue back and forth and say, “give me back the shoes- I bought them”. And he says, “no, not giving you back Sally’s pink shoes”.  So, I go to my lawyer and I say “he won’t give me back the shoes and I want the shoes back, I bought them, I paid them. Here’s the receipt and I want them back”. So, his lawyer sends my lawyer letters and his lawyer responds back and we go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. And guess what happens?

Shout out to those of you who are already divorced

  Here is a shout out to all of you parents who are already divorced. What tips or tricks or advice or suggestions would you offer a parent whose contemplating divorce or newly separated? And I know this is a loaded question because I’ve got a whole list of things that I would suggest to someone. But my point here is, that we all learned many lessons throughout our divorce… many things that we wish we would have done differently. Many things that we wish we would have done in a smart way, more cost efficient way. What would be your top pointer for someone who is thinking about going through divorce or someone who already started to go through it and is maybe feeling lost and confused? What words of wisdom would you share with them? Please post them below in the comments and the reason that I want to do this is because I want people- parents- who are in that stage of making the decision: “Should I stay or should I go?” or in the stage of making decisions on what to do with the kids and

Mothers MUST Become Financially Independent

  I share this same message every single day to women and mothers worldwide. And sometimes it’s hard to hear. At other times they’re really understanding the truth and validity behind what I’m saying. It is extremely, extremely important for women to become financially independent of the father or the spouse. And let me explain what I mean. If you are going to budget based on monies that he is going to give you every month, whether that’s child support or alimony, I have to tell you that you’re going to fall into problems. And the reason is because jobs come and go. Money comes and goes. Games are played on a regular basis. And we’ve all heard all the kinds of games that are being played by people who choose not to pay the bills.

The Divorce Puzzle

  Planning for separation or divorce can be simple and fun or, difficult and draining. Let’s think outside of the box for a second here. And let’s look at divorce from a different perspective. Why? Because I want to help you make the decision “Should I stay married or should I get divorced” from a logical standpoint. I want you to remove the emotions from the equation at the moment and just think logically so that you can make a PROPER decision of what you should do from this point forward.

Divorce and Enthusiasm

Divorce and Enthusiasm go  hand and hand and I know that sounds really weird so hear me out here. You are getting divorced. Conversation of divorce is happening because something is broken. Something is just no longer working anymore. Someone is just not feeling good about this marriage anymore. Someone is distancing themselves- whether it’s you or both of you, it doesn’t really matter. The bottom line is that something isn’t working. And so, if something is not working, divorce is your golden opportunity to REDESIGN your life as you want it to be. To HONOR yourself. To give yourself what it is you actually want in your life.

Elevate Yourself Above Emotional Turmoil | A Divorce by Rose course

Welcome to the Divorce by Rose Community  App Want tools that will help you get emotional mastery in minutes? If you’re divorcing or considering divorce, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. Don’t wait for your divorce to be over before you find your feet again. Being stuck can shatter your self-esteem as you wonder “why can’t I handle things better”.  You can.  I’ll be your guide. The drama you’re feeling isn’t something you have to sit through-  you don’t have to feel exasperated and wait to ride out this time of your life. Create a path forward by quickly mastering your emotions starting now you’ll get immediate relief and also get better at navigating divorce related tasks. Considering divorce or going through divorce is hard, but getting caught up in endless emotional ups and downs makes it harder. Getting mastery over your emotions is easier than you think. It pays to get to a better place with your emotional state as soon as you can. Think of all that you’ll be able to get done. im

Mirror Mirror on The Wall | A Divorce by Rose course

Welcome to the Divorce by Rose Community  App Hi my name is Josette Holness aka Ms. Jai and I am a Flight Strategist. I am a certified coach practitioner for almost two decades and throughout my journeys, I have learned a lot and helping people is my forte. I help superheroes to reclaim their secret identity. Now, the program that I designed is called Mirror Mirror On The Wall. It’s going to give you the reflective logic, reasoning and tools to make the biggest decision of your life to “Do I stay or do I go”.   What are the benefits of that? Well, first and foremost you’re going to figure out where you went wrong and course correct that by asking yourself key questions that are going to challenge your thought processes and your belief systems. You will also benefit from increasing your emotional intelligence and resiliency, you’ll go through a SWOT analysis to determine your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Now, although this might sound like a lot, I’ve simplified it

Divorce and Law of Emotions: What's the correlation?

Join our Divorce by Rose Community App ANONYMOUSLY: The success of your divorce will rely on how will you adopt the Law of Emotions into your life right now. So, let me read you a little excerpt from a phenomenal book by Brian Tracy. It says: “The law of emotions states that 100% of your decisions and subsequent actions are based on emotion. You are largely emotional or 90% emotional and 10% logical, as has been assumed. You are completely emotional. Everything you do is based on an emotion of some kind. Your emotions are the energizing forces behind your thoughts. The more intensely you feel something, the greater affect that thought or circumstance will have on your life. Emotion is like an electric fire or current which can be either constructive or destructive, depending on how it’s used.” This is probably the most important thing that I always talk about in divorce. If you go into your divorce fully emotional- always focusing on your emotions rather than on logic, then all your d

Divorce and Enthusiasm: Can those 2 words be put together?

Join our Divorce by Rose Community App ANONYMOUSLY: Divorce and Enthusiasm go hand and hand and I know that sounds really weird so hear me out here. You are getting divorced. Conversation of divorce is happening because something is broken. Something is just no longer working anymore. Someone is just not feeling good about this marriage anymore. Someone is distancing themselves- whether it’s you or both of you, it doesn’t really matter. The bottom line is that something isn’t working. And so, if something is not working, divorce is your golden opportunity to REDESIGN your life as you want it to be. To HONOR yourself.  To give yourself what it is you actually want in your life. So, divorce could look like a bad thing because it’s the break up of the family and whatever it is the you knew and everything that you had is no longer going to be there anymore but, if you look on the flip side and you look at all the things that you ARE going to have and all those things are going to be intro